User manual Frigelux CCO100BF


User manual - Maintenance tips - Technical data sheet - Quickly get in touch with after-sales service - Get the right consumables, accessories and spare parts - Find repairers near you - Give your opinion - All for just 9.99€

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Frigelux CCO100BF

Macaron magique TagnIot
Technology NFC contactless / No app
Dimension Diameter 30 mm
Compatibility Android, Iphone, Windows
Delivery Fast delivery
Return Satisfied or refunded (7 days)


Get direct access to your Frigelux CCO100BF’s user manual on your smartphone with the TagnIoT NFC sticker. TagnIoT uses NFC technology to provide your appliance's user manual to your smartphone, without the need for an app. With a simple touch, you can read the operating instructions and technical data sheet for the Frigelux CCO100BF. No more fruitless searches for the paper version. Get the right consumables, accessories and spare parts for your Frigelux CCO100BF at the lowest possible price. Buy or sell your used machine online in just 1 click. No need to scour the Internet. It's all in the magic TagnIoT sticker on your machine. Find Frigelux repairers near you and discover offers for other Frigelux products online.

Frigelux CCO100BF user manual by TagnIot sticker

How does the Frigelux CCO100BF manual display on your smartphone? The TagnIot sticker is designed to enhance your user experience when accessing the user manual. When you bring your NFC-enabled smartphone close to the TagnIot sticker, the user manual instantly appears on your smartphone as a user-friendly app. You see the image of your device and its name. Below the image, you discover six interactive buttons just waiting for you to take action. Each button opens up a dedicated world of information: After-sales service / Customer Support, User Guide, Maintenance and Troubleshooting, Sticker's webpage, E-commerce section for purchasing suitable accessories and spare parts, Options list available on your sticker You make a one-time purchase, and benefit from these advantages throughout your appliance's lifetime.
Notice Frigelux CCO100BF sans contact Frigelux CCO100BF
Notice Frigelux CCO100BF sans contact Frigelux CCO100BF

User manual

The user manual contains safety instructions and all useful informations for using your appliance. You can easily access all your appliance's programs and features. Everything is organized to allow you to quickly find what you are looking for.


Maintaining and troubleshooting your appliance is very important for its proper running. TagnIot easely sticker provide answers to error messages. Videos are also available to help you troubleshoot your appliance.

After-Sales Service

Faced with significant issues, sometimes you need help. That's why the TagnIot sticker includes direct contact with the manufacturer's after-sales service No need to feel alone. Just click and get directly in touch with the relevant service .


The WEB button gives you direct access to this web page. Get the latest news about your TagnIot Sticker. You can also buy another sticker directly for a member of your family and let them benefit from this innovative technology.


Say goodbye to internet searches and the risk of ordering the wrong items. With just one click, find in the shop the right accessories, spare parts, and consumables perfectly suited for your appliance while simplifying your purchase process


The TagnIot sticker is an ALL-IN-ONE tool. Its features are constantly evolving. Several options are available on your sticker. You can geolocate repairers, review service reports, access technical specifications, or even sell your appliance.

TagnIOT sticker VS PDF user manual VS Paper user manual

For your Frigelux CCO100BF we've compared the TagnIot sticker, the downloadable PDF user manual and the paper user manual. Unless you like to make things difficult for yourself, there's no competition. Adopt now the TagnIot sticker and take full control of your Frigelux CCO100BF.
Feature TagnIOT sticker PDF user manual Paper user manual
Availability immediate To download
loss of time
Look for
loss of time
Accessibility Easy To download
loss of time
Look for
loss of time
Information Organized Disorganised
loss of time
loss of time
Contact SAV Direct Not always there
loss of time
Not always there
loss of time
Purchase of accessories
and spare parts
Direct link NO NO
Updates Ongoing NO NO
Maintenance and
troubleshooting videos
Eco-friendly YES NO NO
Innovation YES NO NO
High-tech YES NO NO
Adaptable YES NO NO
Design YES NO NO
Breakdowns sending YES NO NO
Maintenance report YES NO NO
Predictive maintenance YES NO NO

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